Friday, February 25, 2011

The Week That Was - The Alamo, An Egyptian Dumbass and Smoothies

It's been a busy month!
It's been quite a week around the ole TexNetMaine blogging family. We've been busy covering Texas History as it happened in 1836, excoriating dumbasses all over the world, including our first Egyptian dumbass, I remembered the best friend a man could ever have and the cherry on top of the whipped cream is that my 8 year old daughter started her very own blog! Besides all that, my plate has been full with family stuff, doctor stuff and just plain old stuff. I almost forgot something! Thanks to you, the TexNetMaine Family of Blogs has seen several posts go viral! For those who may not know what "going viral" means, here's definition for you, "The adjective or adverb viral and the noun virality may refer to any viral phenomenon, that is, an object or pattern that is able to induce some agents to replicate it, resulting in many copies being produced and spread around." Having read that, you can see why I am so excited about it.

Here's a quick recap of the week:
  • Three States Plus One - On Tuesday I began a series of posts that have given us a bird's eye view of the Texas Revolution. Even though the conflict had been going on for a few months, the nitty gritty started with the Battle of the Alamo. This is perhaps the most famous thirteen days of warfare known to man. You can read days two and three here and here. The Day 2 link features Colonel William B. Travis' famous letter seeking reenforcements for the Battle of the Alamo. It's a very stirring letter, especially for us that call Texas "Home".
  • Over at Dumbass News, we (by "we" I mean my friend Tim Freestone and me) celebrated our first Egyptian dumbass! A truly monumental event in blogging history. It further proves that at Dumbass News we do not discriminate. We'll ridicule dumbasses the world over regardless of race, creed, color, religious affiliation, sex (or lack thereof) or national origin. Except my Mother. She's off limits. Your Mother? Not so much.
  • Meanwhile, at that blogging clusterfuck we call Because Toby Said So, we revealed the Super Sekrit Real Names of some dipshit celebrities. But the Biggest News of the Week was made by an 8 year old, my oldest little girl, Isabella. She created (with an assist by Dear Old Dad) her very own blog! That was large news when it happened as Issy had well over one hundred page views! That's a great start for any blog. But Issy's thoughts on her mama's smoothies, over 100 hits has got to be some kind of record for first posts on smoothies!

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