Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tonight's the Night! UPDATED

We've finally made it to the Big Day! Tonight at 6:30 pm EDT Heather and I will have a brief (15 minute) test run of the TexNetRadio Internet Radio Talk Show on BlogTalkRadio. Once there, use the search term "TexNetMaine" and you should be where you need to be to listen to the show. Simply follow the prompts and it should all be good. If you'd like to help us out, you can call in at (626) 414-3522.

You can expect things to be a little rough around the edges, as with any new endeavor, so sit back and enjoy the potential bloopers. It's going to be a ton of fun and Heather and I are looking forward to it. After the show, I'll schedule another one for sometime next week and we'll have a little more time together to visit and discuss what's on your mind.

Join us tonight at 6:30 pm EDT! We "see" you then!

UPDATE!!!  What a blast the show was! I am still not sure if everything was technically OK or not, it's a bit hard to deduce. Thank you for listening to us tonight and a special thanks to my good friend James Ott for taking the time to call in and visit with us. I'll keep you posted as to what time our next show will air so be looking for that soon. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Test Internet Radio Set for Late This Week UPDATED 4/27

I have almost got things in order for the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire Internet Talk Radio Show. I will work on it some more today and hopefully be ready for a test run late this week. I'll fill you in on the details as I have more to tell you. I can, however, tell you that I am really stoked about it.

Something I haven't told you so far is that my wife, Heather, VP of the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire will be my co-host! That'll give you and her a chance to get to know one another a little bit.

The format of the show will be a work in progress at the beginning at least, so no subject will be off the table. Keep an eye glued to this blog and my Facebook page for further updates!


UPDATE: It's On!!! The test run show of the TexNetMaine Internet Radio has been scheduled for Saturday, April 30 at 6:30 pm, EDT. It's going to be only a 15 minute test run, but we would like to take a few phone calls, so we can get the feel of how things work. This setup is quite a bit different than the old radio studios I am used to, so it's going to be a bit of a learning curve for me, but I think I can handle it.  :)  The phone number for you to call in to the show is (626) 414-3522. Navigate to and that should get you to where you need to be. Search for the show and BINGO!, it's all good. Jot that down or bookmark this page so you'll have it handy Saturday night's dressed rehearsal. If you have any questions or comments, post on my Facebook Page or in the comment section below.

See you Saturday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Internet Radio Show/Podcast Finally back on the Radar

Image © blogtalkradio
Howdy from a very windy Augusta, Maine where we are getting wind gusts up to 50 mph! No matter the wind speed, it has had no effect on the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire. Our foundation is sound and, though they have been delayed by my medical issues, our plans to diversify the Network are still very much a part of our future.

A few weeks ago I wrote of wanting to put a podcast/internet radio show together so we could share ideas, thoughts and stories about what content you'd like to see or have seen on the Empire. Or if you wanna, we can just chew the fat about what is happening in your life, re-connecting with old friends or issues that affect the country. It'll be very interesting to hear what's on your mind. The technical aspects of the podcast aren't too daunting, so I should be able to handle them. Just remember that the podcast will be a work in progress until I decide what form it will finally take.

I guess this a good time to tell you that when the podcast is set to go we will have a phone line for you to call in on! That's what I mean by re-connecting with old friends, etc. I do, however, have a small favor to ask of you. What night of the week would be the best for you to participate in a podcast/internet radio show? I know many of you attend church on Wednesday as well as Sunday, so that's not an ideal day for many of you. And since my aim is to get as many people as possibly to listen live and call in, it's not too good for me either. Tuesday ain't so hot either because my oldest daughter has Girl Scouts. So Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday are out. Given that, what day would be good for you? You can let me know in the comments or drop me an email at texnetmaine AT gmail DOT com.

That's it for today! I look forward to hearing from you as I try to get the podcast/internet radio show ready to rock!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things Are So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades

The Blogging Empire Moves Upwards
When I was a radio many years ago, I was humbled by the dedication displayed by fans regarding my radio show, especially oddly enough, Little Old Ladies. With a Total Survey Area involving 21 radio stations (I think), I won the Little Old Lady demographic by a landslide. I had more Little Old Ladies listening to me than the other twenty radio stations in the TSA. I guess they loved the Rebel in me and the rowdy country music I played. They were part of my Rowdy Friends audience. (Apologies to Hank, Jr) My point is that every time I went on the air, I had an audience that was very diversified and very loyal. Which brings me to you. I know you are all not Little Old Ladies, but your loyalty to me and my blogs has been overwhelming. Remember last week when I said that we had over 5000 page views for all the blogs? If the current trend of page hits continues for the month, we are on our way to over six thousand page views for Dumbass News alone! That's about five times the page views we were getting just a couple of months ago. It's not my brilliant opinion and commentary that keep you coming back. You come back again and again because you are a sick, twisted psychotic dumbass! Don't get your undies in a wad, I say that with love in my heart. Really I do. :) I can't thank you enough for being a dumbass your continued support. This type of post here may be like a broken record to you, but to me it is a heartfelt "thank you". Your time is valuable and for you to check in on my blogs every day is something I appreciate and do not take for granted.

I am too lazy to do the math right now, but we are read by people in at least ninety countries around the globe, plus all 50 states and the District of Dumbasses, I mean District of Columbia. That's not too bad considering that ten moths ago I was thrilled to get twenty page views a day, total from both Dumbass News and Three States Plus One.  These blogs are now my radio show and my words are the music you hear.Or the noise you hear, depending on your point of view. :)

Whether you read my stuff because you like it or you read it just to get pissed off at me (I am looking at you Liberals), your time and readership does not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TexNetMaine News ALERT!!! Hello, Texas!!! Hell Yes!!!

I have something to tell you all that I just learned a few hours ago. When I heard it, I nearly had "The Big One" on the spot. Elizabeth was waiting for me. ( <----gratuitous Fred Sanford reference) Before I tell you The Big News ©, sit your ass down if you ain't sittin' right now.

Heather and I have made a major decision regarding not only our lives, but the lives of our children as well. We are going to relocate the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire World Headquarters from Maine to wait.       for.      it.     TEXAS!!! Things are not exactly set in stone as to when this is going to happen (for reasons I'd rather not make public, but they are good reasons), but it  is going to happen. I have been waiting for this to happen for a number of years and when Heather told me earlier today that she was ready to make a move, I damn near fell over. My health is a major concern and the weather back home will be more conducive to me leading a more active lifestyle that will benefit me health wise. Like I said earlier in the post, we are just waiting for some things to fall into place, we just don't know when that will be. Will it be a few weeks? Two months? A year? I'll let you know when I know. :)

We just had a talk about all this with our 8 year old and she's all for it. DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! With that "Yea" vote, the decision is unanimous. Excitement here is at a fevered pitch as we are all ready to get packing right now! But, as they say, patience is a virtue, and I am nothing if not patient.

I am looking forward to establishing new friendships and rekindling old ones when I get home, but none more important than shaking the hand of my dear friend, Bob Zeller. And margaritas. Don't forget the margaritas. I don't drink by choice, but I imagine I can slam down a 'rita or two....or three. :)

That's The Big News © and we couldn't be happier. I'll keep you posted as events warrant, so stay tuned for further info.

God bless you,every one and may God continue to bless Texas.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good News for My Blogging Empire!

Maybe Another Day
Howdy, y'all! It's been a while since our last visit, hasn't it? Well, today I am the bearer of good news!

The growth of the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire is astonishing. Last month The Empire recorded over five thousand page hits!  I was blown away, to say the least, when I saw the report. All this growth and success can be attributed to one thing and one thing only. YOU! Your continued support gives me the energy and drive to post every day, and I thank you for it. I'll keep on posting stuff in my usual No Holds Barred way and point out dumbassery where ever it's found. As the Head Dumbass it's my solemn duty to do so.

Another thing...regarding the post about the possibility of getting some Dumbass T-shirts printed up...I think that's an idea for another day and time. So I'll keep working on ideas for Dumbass Merchandise and run it by you when I come up with a good one. I may even work up some sort of giveaway where you can win some Dumbass Goodies.

Once again, thank you for tremendous support you have shown me. It's much appreciated and humbling.

Adios for now,
Toby, Head Dumbass and TexNetMaine Blogging Empire Big Cheese and Head Honcho