Thursday, April 21, 2011

Internet Radio Show/Podcast Finally back on the Radar

Image © blogtalkradio
Howdy from a very windy Augusta, Maine where we are getting wind gusts up to 50 mph! No matter the wind speed, it has had no effect on the TexNetMaine Blogging Empire. Our foundation is sound and, though they have been delayed by my medical issues, our plans to diversify the Network are still very much a part of our future.

A few weeks ago I wrote of wanting to put a podcast/internet radio show together so we could share ideas, thoughts and stories about what content you'd like to see or have seen on the Empire. Or if you wanna, we can just chew the fat about what is happening in your life, re-connecting with old friends or issues that affect the country. It'll be very interesting to hear what's on your mind. The technical aspects of the podcast aren't too daunting, so I should be able to handle them. Just remember that the podcast will be a work in progress until I decide what form it will finally take.

I guess this a good time to tell you that when the podcast is set to go we will have a phone line for you to call in on! That's what I mean by re-connecting with old friends, etc. I do, however, have a small favor to ask of you. What night of the week would be the best for you to participate in a podcast/internet radio show? I know many of you attend church on Wednesday as well as Sunday, so that's not an ideal day for many of you. And since my aim is to get as many people as possibly to listen live and call in, it's not too good for me either. Tuesday ain't so hot either because my oldest daughter has Girl Scouts. So Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday are out. Given that, what day would be good for you? You can let me know in the comments or drop me an email at texnetmaine AT gmail DOT com.

That's it for today! I look forward to hearing from you as I try to get the podcast/internet radio show ready to rock!


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