Sunday, March 13, 2011


This is another "Thank you for letting the TexNetMaine Blogging Network occupy some of your valuable time" posts. I'll  never tire of doing these types of posts, because when I do them, it means good news for the dedicated, professional and otherwise Dumbass Staff (that would be me) at TexNetMaine.

The first 2 1/2 months of 2011 have been a time of some pretty impressive figures for all of the TexNetMaine member blogs. Day by day we are seeing more and more new readers at least stop by to take a peek at Three States Plus One, Dumbass News and Because Toby Said So. Thank you. I am humbled.

If you read a story that you like, please pass it on to your friends and family. Heather and I are working on a podcast and a live internet radio show where you can call in and we could talk about anything you like. You can bet the farm that I'll let you know about it in advance.

I have so many ideas for the TexNetMaine Blogging Family that I am working on in addition to the podcast, that I can't even begin to tell you about. I want to make TexNetMaine your alternative to the media you watch and listen to. Some of you reading this have already heard me on the radio, so I feel fairly confident that I can put something good online that you'll want to hear at your convenience, live or podcast. Also, as I have said many times, I'd love to have you write a Guest Post for any of my blogs. Just shoot me an email at texnetmaine AT gmail DOT com.

Thanks, y'all!


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